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Screw Theory: Modeling Manipulator

1 minute read


Screw theory is a mathematical framework to analyze and describe rigid body motion in 3D space. It elegantly connects the combined linear and rotational motion about same axis observed in a physical screw to rigid body motion. In addition, it gives better physical understanding of singularities compared to DH parametrization where the maths do not perfectly translate to geometric interpretation. In Screw theory, in case of singularities Screw Axis aligns or coincides with each other thus loosing a DOF.

Reinforcement Learning: Introduction to RL with K-Bandit Problem

7 minute read


Reinforcement learning (RL) is learning what to do in different situations as to maximize a numerical reward. Now, what distinguishes RL from other types of learning is - learner is not told which actions to take, but instead learner must discover which action / series of actions will yield the most cumulative reward in some time-period. For example, a master chess player makes a move. The choice is informed by planning, anticipating possible moves and countermoves of the opponent and by judgement of the desirability of particular pieces on the board.


Redesigned Crutches


To minimize the risk of crutch palsy and similar diseases, I redesigned crutches to offload the upperbody and transfer 60% of loading forces to pelvis region, thus reducing the intense pressure at one location.



To improve efficiency of a legged robot, in particular quadruped we ideated with using self-locking actuators for each joint to achieve static stability.

Robot Sensing and Navigation


We have examined the sensors and mathematical techniques for robotic sensing and navigation with a focus on sensors such as cameras, GPS, IMUs, and laser scanners.

Design and Control of Ankle Exoskeleton (In Progress)


I am working on making the ankle exoskeleton lighter and compliant to augment natural joint movement instead of restricting it. Along with improved design, I am working incorporating data-driven methods to provide assistance in natural ambulating environments.




Teaching experience 1

Undergraduate course, University 1, Department, 2014

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Teaching experience 2

Workshop, University 1, Department, 2015

This is a description of a teaching experience. You can use markdown like any other post.